Faithful to the finish capital campaign

On this page, you will find information posted about our Faithful to the Finish Capital Campaign, as well as any upcoming events for the campaign. Be sure to check back here soon for more information!

  • Faithful to the Finish is a debt retirement capital campaign starting in January 2025 and concluding in May 2025 with commitments given over three years to raise/pledge the $1 million needed to retire the building loan.

    Without this debt retirement, our current mortgage will refinance in May 2026 with a 2-4% interest rate increase which will result in a substantial impact on our monthly payments. 

    We are asking you to join us in finishing the project which was started in 2016 as we seek to retire our debt.

  • Highland has a commercial loan which operates different from a residential home loan. 

    A traditional home loan has a 30-year fixed interest rate but a commercial building loan has a 5-year fixed rate. This requires us to refinance every five years. 

    Because interest rates have increased since 2020, our interest rate is expected to increase which will affect our monthly loan payment. 

    We are seeking to retire the debt of the church building so we can focus on ministry needs and not on a high loan payment.

  • If you have any further questions regarding the Faithful to the Finish Capital Campaign, you can contact Bill Jarman (Campaign Chair) or Cary Linder (Highland Executive Director) via email.

Video Updates

Check out these video updates about Faithful to the Finish!


Newsletter Updates

Check out these newsletter updates from the Faithful to the Finish Leadership Team!

Capital Campaign Team Leaders

Meet the Faithful to the Finish leadership team!

  • Bill Jarman

    Campaign Chair


  • Cary Linder

    Project Liaison


  • Dale Harris

    Senior Pastor

  • Nancy Bonnefield

    Communications Chair

  • Amie Bergquist

    Prayer Team Chair

  • Katie Hollatz

    Events Coordinator

  • Chuck Nelson

    Home Visit Chair